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  • OutbagsUSA has uploaded a video

    Adjusting the Thumb Break of Your Holster | Outbags USA
    Adjusting the Thumb Break of Your Holster | Outbags USA
    To our loyal customers:
    Here is a quick video tutorial on how to adjust the Thumb Break straps for your firearm using just a plastic butter knife. The holster used in this video is the OB-30SC; made for most compact frame semi-auto pistols. The training gun used in this video is the Ruger LC9 with Crimson Trace.
  • OutbagsUSA has uploaded a video

    Changing the Orientation of Your Holster | OUTBAGS USA
    Changing the Orientation of Your Holster | OUTBAGS USA
    To our loyal customers:
    This is a video demonstrating how simple it is to switch your OUTBAGS holster from right hand draw to left hand draw (or vice versa). All you need is a plastic butter knife to perform this switch! The holster used in this video is the OB-09SC; made for most 4" revolvers.
    00:14 - Thumb break strap (female) removal
